Contacts and opening hours

ARC’s head office

Amager Ressourcecenter

Vindmøllevej 6

2300 Copenhagen S

T: 32 68 93 00


CBR: 34 20 81 15

Opening hours Reception

Monday – Thursday: 7.45-16.00

Friday: 7:45-15:30

Sat – Sun and public holidays: Closed

Press contacts


Sune Martin Scheibye

Tel. 24 60 02 22


Opening hours roof park/ski slope

You can find the opening hours for the roof park at CopenHill’s website. Using the hiking trails is free, but ski passes must be purchased.

Other opening hours

ARC operates recycling sites and local recycling stations where you can take sorted waste, except food waste.

Directions to ARC

By car and bicycle

Route descriptions can be found at Google Maps.

Parking in front of Amager Bakke is free.

If using public transport, we recommend Trip planner.

By bus no. 2A

Bus 2A, destination Refshaleøen. Alight at “Lynetten”. Amager Bakke is a 10-15 minute walk from the stop.

Fra busstoppestedet gå mod syd ad Forlandet. Drej til venstre ad vej nummer fire, som er Vindmøllevej. Fortsæt nedad Vindmøllevej, til du kommer til Amager Bakke. Turen er 900 meter.
Ruten fra bus 2A stoppested til Amager Bakke

Route from the 2A bus stop to Amager Bakke

By bus no. 37

Bus 37, destination Amagerværket. Alight at “Kraftværksvej (Forlandet)”. Amager Bakke is a
10-15 minute walk from there. Please note that Amagerværket is not the same as Amager Bakke.

Fra busstoppestedet, gå mod nord ad forlandet, og drej til højre ad vej nummer 2, som er Vindmøllevej. Fortsæt nedad Vindmøllevej til du kommer til Amager Bakke. Turen er 850 meter.
Ruten fra bus 37 stoppested til Amager Bakke

Route from the no. 37 bus stop to Amager Bakke

World-class waste energy plant

Amager Bakke (CopenHill) is among the best in the world in terms of environmentally friendly energy and innovative architecture. It offers the unique experience of green recreational areas, skiing, climbing and a waste energy plant. Amager Bakke boasts highly efficient energy production and supplies electricity and district heating to the citizens of Copenhagen. Amager Bakke is also working on carbon capture, with the goal of capturing 500,000 tonnes of CO2 annually.